
Full-Resolution Flood Viedo Footage Available for Downoad

Full-resolution version of the flood area food distribution video is available to download via FTP. This version is suitable for showing large on a projector screen or large-screen TV, for example, for a church presentation.

FTP host:
Username: malawi1
Password: m0rr1son
(note that there is a “zero” and a “one” in the password)

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Flood Update: Delivering Hope - January 26, 2008

Report by David Morrison
Bangula, Malawi

In Bangula the rain pounded down again on our roof throughout the whole night. We slept restlessly, awakening often, concerned for those whose grass shelters would not withstand these conditions. We know that this Malawi rain will eventually flow downstream into the devastated flood region of Mutarara, Mozambique, challenging relief efforts even more. We pray and hope that in the midst of this, the thousands displaced find some comfort in Jesus, who we know is near.

Live Video Footage from Flood Area Food Distribution - January 28, 2008

On January 23, 2008 David Morrison and a team from Bangula, Malawi travelled to Mozambique in a convoy of three trucks carrying 17 metric tons of food, enough to feed three refugee camps for two weeks. Satisfying starving people with the gift of food is such an incredible work, and seeing the powerful arm of God reaching down to send us the provision so quickly is a miracle.

[116,000.00 people are in need]

The Greatest Christmas Present of All - December 7, 2007

Report by Heidi Baker
Pemba, Mozambique

Here is a little bit of our news. I have been extremely blessed by your love and prayers for Rolland and me and for our Iris family. We are focusing on beautiful Jesus and trusting Him for His healing power to be manifested. Rolland is still very ill, but he is receiving lots of healing prayer and anointed help from medical doctors as well. We thank you all for your patience in the area of communication. We are not able to respond quickly to emails. Please know we appreciate your kindness.

Embracing Hope

March 28, 2007

Report by David Morrison “Mo”
Bangula, Malawi

“We welcome you and embrace the message of hope you proclaim.” - Traditional Authority Chief in Mozambique
