October 2023 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

2023 has seen an increase in activity within the reintegration team. After two years of restrictions, they are now in full swing again.


We were very encouraged to return one of our special needs girls (Madeleina) to Pemba.

Madeleina came to us in November 2021 to follow up on her complex medical issues and have us form a care plan for her. She has enjoyed her time with us, gained weight, stabilized her medical needs, and received some supportive aids to improve her quality of life. It was always our intention to see her return to Pemba to be closer to her family and possibly reintegrate into her family home.

Logistically this reintegration was a challenge - we needed documents for her to travel, finances to fly her and one of our reintegration team members to Pemba, preparation and teaching for the team handover, medications, as well as needing to air cargo her chair and other aids. The team worked hard to make this happen, resulting in a successful reintegration for Madeleina in July 2023.




Minda came to the Zimpeto Centre in 2008 as a baby - with health, nutritional, and social issues.

After working closely with her grandmother, Minda was reintegrated in July 2021. Part of the reintegration involved building a bedroom and repairing the small family home. Because of Covid delays, the repairs were also delayed. They were completed in June 2023.  


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Minda's family is extremely thankful for the generosity and help given to them.