Steps to long-term service with Iris Ministries
About Long-Term Service
Iris is a Spirit-directed Kingdom ministry. All applicants should familiarize themselves thoroughly with the Iris mission and spiritual ethos. Long-term applications should normally follow a visit to one or more Iris bases and successful completion of the Iris Harvest School of Missions currently held in Pemba, Mozambique. This is to help ensure that we know you and you know us before committing to a longer-term association.
How Long is Long-Term?
At Iris, Long-term service is generally defined as a commitment of two years or more. Exceptions may be made for critically needed personnel.
Limited opportunities will be extended to younger Harvest School Mission School graduates to return for up to six months of full-time service. In most cases, it will be expected that younger missionaries would give priority to furthering their own formal education and training after the Iris Harvest School of Missions.
What we are looking for?
Iris leadership is seeking people whose calling and qualifications will help advance the Iris mission and its strategic priorities. The leadership and the long-term committee will be working to match prospective missionaries with the current needs and opportunities at the various bases as the Holy Spirit leads.
As Iris missionaries are called to equip, disciple, facilitate and empower national leadership, we will be looking for the following characteristics in long-term missionaries:
* teachable
* cultural adaptability
* appropriateness/wisdom
* positive attitude working with national leadership
* evidence of willingness to work under the Iris vision and values
* willingness to be accountable
* willingness to work under leadership direction vs. a "lone-ranger" attitude
* demonstration of a servant heart which shares the day to day responsibilities of community living, walks in God's love, and gives out of overflow.
Application Process
The Long-Term Service process is in place to ensure that all Iris missionaries have a deep understanding of Iris's vision and core values, and feel comfortable serving in line with them. The process of joining Iris in long-term service has several phases and are as follows.
Familiarize yourself with Iris
We ask that you familiarize yourself with Iris's history by reading "There Is Always Enough," by Rolland and Heidi Baker, and "Visions Beyond the Veil," by H. A. Baker, Rolland's grandfather. We also recommend viewing the videos "The Face of Revival, "Stopping for the One" or "Mama Heidi."
Complete the Harvest School of Missions
We consider it extremely helpful and necessary for you to attend Iris's Harvest School of Missions, a 3-month immersive missions training program in Pemba Mozambique.
Pre-application preparations
Seek the Lord for a definitive confirmation of your call to service with Iris Ministries. Seek the counsel of mature Christians who have experienced the difficulties of severe cultural changes that may be experienced on the mission field. Language study will be critical for long-term service. Be sure to have some language learning under your belt. Be responsible in faith for your financial support. Develop a team of intercessors who will support you in prayer.
Begin the process
If you have completed the above steps and would like to pursue a long-term position with Iris, you can contact the long-term committee at
Once the process is well underway and you have received a formal letter of invitation, contact Iris Ministries Canada to receive information on how we will be a support to you on the field. We will send you a package of information on the services we are able to offer to you, and then be available to discuss it all with you.
Requirements for Long-Term Service at Zimpeto Centre, Maputo Mozambique
1. If you are interested in applying to serve long-term at Zimpeto, you must make an initial 2-3 week short-term visit to the Centre. Shorter terms of service are avaialable at Zimpeto.
2. If long-term service is a possibility, be sure Steve and Ros Lazar are on base when you visit in order to arrange to meet with them.
3. Write to the hospitality team at for further information about how to proceed.
4. Make no specific plans for departure until your invitation from Zimpeto is complete.