October 2013 Sarah Masson Update
Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62
“In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” Luke 14:33
"This only have I found: God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes.” Eccl. 7:29
"He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." Ps. 147:3
Since the last time I wrote, much has happened in my life and in the lives of those around me. It hasn’t been easy. I’m aware that there is an enemy and that he daily tries to attack me and convince me to go home and back to Canada. I’ve been contemplating issues like, “when do I go out and trust that God is taking care of my family and when do I stay home?” I’ve discovered that God doesn’t actually need me…sigh. He can care for my family all on His own. However, the enemy tries to use these moments of thought to say things like: “you aren’t really doing anything here, you might as well go and make money in Canada” or “how is a broken person supposed to be able to help children and broken people?” or “who are you to be preaching God’s word when you don’t even have your own life in order”.... It is easy to fall into this mindset and way of thinking when the problems in front our faces look so simple to fix, yet are so complex and difficult to actually mend long term.
Basically, looking at poverty every day is depressing, heart wrenching and immobilizing. Poverty problems are always more complex than slapping a little bit of money on them. Money is only a bandage that will soon lose its stickiness and fall off. And then there’s the return to the giver to say, “I’ve lost the bandage.” Then people need another band-aid. The band-aid is not a healer - it is a temporary cover over a much deeper wound. God is the solution. God is the healer of the wounds. He is not a band-aid, and in fact you won’t need a band-aid if you first fully rely on God for all your needs. If people can see that money is only a band-aid, and that God is the true problem solver and Saviour, then poverty will be a term for the history books. God is my lifeline and the one in whom I trust.
I believe that there is a God of mercy because He has shown me mercy. I prayed to Him for years to heal me and He was faithful to me. Although it wasn’t instant or overnight, He healed me and He restored my body from any long term damage. I was suffering from chronic pain in my body called arthritis. There are people in my life who doubt that God was the one who healed me, but I know it was God. Why not give Him Glory and Praise for healing me? Some Christians may find this to be ‘way out there’ but the Bible does talk about people getting healed, and it happens every day around us. It may not be visible to the naked eye, but to the person who once lived in severe pain who knows his/her healer, they know that they truly have been miraculously healed. I remember praying at one point, God if you heal me then I will be yours. I will go where you want and not be afraid. If you send me then I will do it. If you ask me then I will do it. This may be how I ended up in Africa for the past 3 years! Even when my friends and family have thought I’m doing something outrageous or crazy, I have followed what God has asked me to do. Even when it causes me so much pain in my own heart to leave my sick father in Canada, I have done it. He has provided for me. He has protected me. He has saved me.
Changes!!! This seems to be the word of the season here on base at the moment. It is a season of change, or the time between seasons when you wake up in the morning and you aren’t really sure what the weather is going to be like for the whole day. I know the Canadians out there can identify with this! We have just said goodbye to long term missionary (and my next door neighbour), Sue Silva, the other ‘single lady’ on base. It will take some time for me to adjust to her absence! A new missionary family has come, our base directors have been on sabbatical and another missionary family has also taken a leave. Sometimes, it’s like the dust gets kicked up and each piece (everyone) lands in difference places. But God knows what He’s doing (happy face here)! A season of new responsibilities and faith for the unseen and unknown!
As I’ve explained, there have been a few missionaries away from our base for a while now and so I have picked up some short term responsibilities as well as some more long term commitments. The following are my current duties at Iris Ministries Malawi:
- Hospitality Coordinator: We have a wide range of visitors that come onto base, and it is my responsibility to care for them and show them the ropes.
- Administrative/Communications Reports to Donors: Keeping files on Children of Hope up to date, reporting on and photographing containers of rice that arrive.
- Youth Group: Providing a Friday night program for our teenagers.
- Secondary Students in Blantyre: Liaising with the secondary schools that are hosting our oldest students in high school. The system is British, and involves boarding school, organizing the student’s transportation home to Iris Malawi, as well as their material needs, and helping them communicate with their sponsors.
As time goes on here, personal relationships continue to be difficult to maintain when you don’t know the language. And so at times I find it lonely, and difficult to make friendships for God’s glory, because of the difficulties of communication. The enemy still attacks me here saying “why are you trying in a place that you can’t even communicate in?” I’m still praying for the gift of language!! So far, I have the gift of ‘Sarah's sign’, which is a series of my own made up hand gestures and dramas : - ). I don’t know if I will be in Bangula forever, but God keeps extending my stay (nervous laughter), and especially since he has also brought a man of God into my life. I daily say to myself, “God knows”, and then reassure myself that in fact He does!
The number 11 has been significant to me in my life and it reminds me of the bible verse Hebrews 1:11, a verse about faith. Hebrews 11 lists the great forefathers of faith in the Bible. What a powerful passage in scripture. For the past 7 years, I have been jumping out, blind to what’s coming, but trusting that my Father in heaven will provide for me. If there are so many in the Bible that God has done the same for, then He will also do the same for me. Every time I step out, my Father in Heaven comes through even bigger for me; “We live by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor. 5:7). I just think that if others before me have lived by faith then I can as well. It takes no special person, just someone who truly believes in Jesus and what He did for us. To be honest, it isn’t as easy as it looks! Sacrifice and obedience are nice words to throw around but when you really try to live them out in your life, I have quickly learned they are not so easy. I’m sure my parents could attest to my rebellious nature! Haha!

Testimony of God’s Protection:
I went to visit our secondary students a few weeks back, and on my way home I had been told that it had rained in the Lower Shire, so the roads would be bad. But because I know the Lord sent me to Blantyre, I knew He would also protect me on the way home and that we would arrive safely, even to the point that I drove a truck that is not really supposed to be working at the moment (but that’s another story)! We drove through thick mud!! For me, it was exciting and fun. I did not have fear because I knew that God had sent me and that He would protect me and bring me home. And if He didn’t, I wouldn’t mind heaven!! : - ).
I encourage you to take time and listen to what God is saying to you today about your wounds, what He’s asking you to give up, or what He’s asking you to do. When you list all of the reasons and explanations of why you can’t do those things, you will realize that they aren’t worth it, compared to the sweetness of a relationship with the creator of the entire earth. You will also realize that if the Creator of the earth is asking you to do something, He will give you the strength to do it. Amen!
Sincerely (from the girl who never thought she would be a missionary in Africa), Sarah Masson
Contact info: sarahisadaughteroftheking@gmail.com, P.O Box 2379 Blantyre, Malawi, 0992831047, from Canada call, whatsapp, bbm to: 011-265-992831047 or just the regular facebook!
My new tumblr blog address: http://godlovesmalawi.tumblr.com