Report on Health of Rolland Baker - June 20, 2008
Thousands have been praying for Rolland around the world since he left
Mozambique for the United States last November for prayer, treatment and
rest. During this time he has been under the care of several doctors and
has been meeting with counselors. The love and care expressed by so many
has been wonderfully overwhelming.
His primary care physician, located in the Dallas, Texas area, states,
"Rolland Baker is currently under my care for a Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder which has caused some short-term memory loss due the intense
ministry and administrative responsibilities he has overseen for many
years. For Rolland's complete recovery I am requesting, along with Iris
Ministries, complete rest. Please send email of an administrative nature
to '' rather than to Rolland. He will continue to
welcome personal email. Heidi, staff and board members of Iris
Ministries will assume Rolland's responsibilities until further notice"
(Tim Shepherd, MD, June 6, 2008).
All of us at Iris Ministries will continue to pray for Rolland's
complete recovery while he rests with family and friends. This week he
will return to Mozambique for his daughter Crystalyn's Mozambican wedding, and then will see in the Lord how long he can stay. The children there are
looking forward to seeing their Papa Rolland again!
Heidi would like to express her sincere appreciation for your continued
prayers and expressions of love. Our more than a hundred international
missionaries, hundreds of indigenous staff members, and Iris boards
around the world continue to be blessed with continued growth and the
expansion of His Kingdom through Iris. Your prayers and continued
financial support have been remarkable.
Rolland will not be speaking at conferences until further notice, though
he will continue to pray for and minister to individuals, which he loves
doing. Rolland will continue to be surrounded and supported by friends
and family. We know you will honor this time of rest and restoration
through your continued prayers, love and support.
When appropriate, updates will be posted.