March 2012 David & Joanna Morrison Update
Once again, 2012 started with some health challenges in the Morrison home. Kalina suffered another round of sinus infection. We had a nasty virus run through the base. Patrick was down for ten days with fever, a sore throat and exhaustion, most unlike my 16 year old action man. Daniel had an episode of severe abdominal pain, which doctors think was caused by a small stone. In the midst of these challenges, villages around us suffered severe flooding. Many homes were completely washed away, and others were damaged beyond repair.

David was kept busy assisting local officials as they assessed the damage and made provision where possible. In a land where most people exist from meal to meal, there is no safety net for times such as these. Cholera followed in the wake of the floods, causing more suffering and grief.

Home schooling provides a rhythm that keeps us going even in the midst of crisis. This month Kalina handed me a story with 16 chapters. Patrick is also working on a novel. Daniel is gradually climbing out of the writing pit of despair. Two other students have joined our class this year: Wonder is working on Form 1, and Dolika is working on English and Math skills. Writing, reading, and bicycle riding have helped to ward off the loneliness with Jon, Caleb, and Rebekah, now gone. Patrick can often be found practicing his catwalk on the field. Daniel prefers to do the dishes at the children’s homes with his friends. Kalina continues to care for many. Sometimes the love is reciprocated which is rewarding. We do miss the Martins, but are so grateful for the wonderful way God has been taking care of them. Thank you for your prayers and support in this season.