March 2012 Southern Malawi Ministry Centre Update
We recently had a visitor whose last visit was in 2008. She could see things we don’t see anymore. The trees have doubled in size. We are eating mangoes, papayas, lemons, bananas, guavas, and sweetsop (custard apples) picked from those very trees. There is cooling grass where once there was a dustbowl. There is a beautiful hall which is often filled with the sound of singing. There is a visitor residence which comfortably sleeps sixteen. There are children who love God with all their hearts. There are others still raw and bleeding, but on the road to healing. There are Malawian leaders who serve with integrity, not seeking personal gain. Our Primary School flourishes under our team of Malawian and missionary teachers. It is so good to see through another’s eyes and remember all that God has done here. To him be the glory.
As the floods hit this January, our houses stood strong. We had one wall go down, but otherwise no significant damage. The villages around us did not fair so well. Many lost not just their homes, but all their worldly possessions as well. Many did not have food stored away because there was none to store, but now they lack the plates and cups they might have used to eat and drink. It is time to start fresh for those who lost everything. They will need to make bricks, find poles, purchase plastic, cut grass, and build from the foundation up. It is not our success that makes us strong but our ability to start again. Please pray for our community as many begin again.
We are still searching for a house mother for Girls 3, which is complete. This is an urgent need so please bring it to the Father. There are girls in the community who need to come home, and their house is ready. Pray in their mother.