November 2012 Zimpeto Widows' Home Project Update
One of our pastors reported to us that there was a young mother of twins, abandoned by her husband, that been thrown out of her family home. One of the twins had just died. While she is not an elderly widow, she is a mother and woman desperately in need.
We brought her and her baby into the widows' house for 3 months. She has been wonderful company for the elderly widow living in the house and has had time to rest, receive ministry and get stronger by having good nutrition available to her and her child.
After 3 months in the widows' house we will be starting a small business (under the guidance of one of our missionaries). We will rent a house for her for 3 months. If the business is successful she will be prayerfully self-sustainable.
What a blessing for her and for us to have such opportunity.
Zimpeto Widows' Home