September 2015 Zimpeto Widows' Home Update
When I first met Vovo Salimina she talked about God, but I wasn’t sure if she really knew Jesus. She would still want remedies from the witchdoctor if she was sick. But as I spent time with her and with some of our Bible School students living with her, she more and more asked for prayer for Jesus to heal her. She always spoke about pain in her legs and how she wanted to dance again.
One day I arranged for a group of our Bible School students to visit for a time of praise and worship with her. It was wonderful; as soon as they began to sing you could feel the Presence of God in the room. Later they prayed for Vovo’s legs and also against fear, as she was often afraid at night as she thought someone was trying to kill her.
We recently had our Bible School Graduation, and as one of the students had been staying with Vovo, she came with us to the Graduation. She was so thrilled and stood up and danced joyfully with us as we worshipped.
[Vovo attending the Bible School Graduation ceremonies.]
A few days later Vovo told me that at night there was a man on her roof and he was trying to kill her. She had mentioned this before and I thought she had been dreaming or heard cats. I felt the Lord show me that it was something spiritual. I realised we could pray for her, but that she needed to repent and cut off witchcraft. With the help of a neighbour I explained this to her. Then she prayed, repenting of her sin and receiving forgiveness from Jesus and shutting the door to anything that is not from Him.
The next day when I visited I asked Vovo if she had slept well or had more problems at night. She beamed up at me and said “Yes! I slept well,’s gone!”