Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program

October 2018 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

A  Reintegration Story:

Moisais Ngungane came to the Zimpeto centre in 2000 because he was an orphan and no one in his family could care for him. He lived in the centre until 2004, when he was chosen to go and live in a new project that a missionary had set up in a suburb called Machava. This was a house for older youth with a vision to prepare them for life in the community.

October 2017 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

A big thank you for the continued financial support of the reintegration program. Without the program the centre would become an outdated dinosaur. Reintegration is the cog in the wheel that keeps children from stagnating in an institution. Our belief is that God created families and he hasn’t yet uncreated them; family is the best place for children to be loved and to grow. Hence we have a revolving door of children coming in being rehabilitated, supporting the family, and returning the children to their families.


June 2016 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

There has been a close collaboration between the Iris Zimpeto Base, the IMC team in Canada and the Canadian Embassy. Through an extraordinary occurrence of events, a diplomat returning to Canada donated his almost new vehicle to the reintegration team at Zimpeto.


Every day this vehicle heads out to check on children wanting and needing to come in, and likewise, connecting children (who live on the base) with their families.

September 2015 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

The Team
After a total revamp in reintegration the complete new team is taking over the area with positive success.
In an attempt to pass responsibility over the national the leader of the team Juliana is learning new writing and computer skills. It is a slow process however she is keen to learn and dedicated. She has good decision making skills concerning the needs of children both entering the centre and being reunited with their families.

March 2015 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

We have made some major changes in the team late last year. We have restructured the group so that our team has more education, can take on more responsibility, and rely less on the missionaries.

Some of the changes are mandatory from Social Welfare, and other changes have been made to meet internal needs.

We have changed the format of our files and now have both an electronic and a paper copy of each child.

Last year we reintegrated approximately 32 children and built a number of houses for families to enable the children to be reintegrated.

