Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program

October 2022 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

Covid guidelines and restrictions have required a scaled-down approach to reintegration, but we have continued to reintegrate children and youth into their family homes.

We provided many of our reintegrated children with basic food needs during the lockdowns.

New children and babies continued to be accepted into the centre, and those ready to leave were reintegrated back into families.

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April 2022 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

Reintegration remains the primary focus of the children’s centre. The aim to reunite children with families is the end goal for all of the children we accept into the centre. When a child is accepted to live with us, we ensure that family ties are maintained whenever and wherever possible, by enabling children to go home for at least a weekend now and again, or even for part of their school holidays. This may require that families contribute by providing food, clothing, or bedding.

September 2020 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

The Bible reminds us that caring for orphans and widows is the purest form of religion.

Rosa was placed back into family in 2011 through our reintegration program.

Unbeknownst to us, she had been expelled from her home by her family in 2015 when she became pregnant. Her partner abandoned her at that time.

Rosa wandered into one of our community churches in February 2020.  After some investigation, we discovered that she was living in great poverty, caring for her two children all on her own.

April 2020 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

In 2002 Steve and Ros Lazar took 10 children into their house as a result of a measles outbreak. After the crisis had passed, Ros in her wisdom decided to keep the 10 children with them.

In December 2019 the last of the 10 children were reintegrated into some family. The vision the Lord placed on ther Lazars heart was completed. Ros remembers standing on the driveway watching the car take the last of the 10 youth to their community house.

April 2019 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

Reintegration continues to be integral in the continuum of care of children with complex social and medical needs. The team is responsible for many issues in an attempt to uphold the rights of the child.

The team maintains home visits for children who need out of home care. Home, social and health assessments are crucial to the evaluation of the needs of both the family and the child, keeping in mind that the outcome of the assessments might see the child accepted into Zimpeto children’s crisis centre.
