August 2011 Linda Currie Update
"Where does the time go and how does it pass so quickly? It seems like only a month or so ago that I was writing an update, and here I am again. And once again I am here to tell you of how incredibly amazing our God is!
"Many things have taken place, but the most personal one was that I celebrated my 60th birthday here in Mozambique. It was such fun, and of course the children all laughed at how old I am…. After all, here 60 is considered to be ‘old’. The kids have told me that they would now have to call me ‘Vovo’ (grandmother), instead of Mama Linda.

"Ministry has been very exciting. God answered my prayers and brought a beautiful young couple to take over the kitchen ministry; they are doing a wonderful job. When we first transitioned, I took a time out to rest. It was during that time of rest and devotion and prayer that I felt God calling me to help bring Kingdom culture to a ceremony that occurs when girls come ‘of age’. In this culture the ceremony is one of brutality and demonic activity; we would turn it to be a celebration of the Lord's truths about who these young women are! And so we set out to plan a Christian ceremony, one that would celebrate the girl’s passage from childhood to young adulthood with joy and thanksgiving as well as teaching them the intimate knowledge of how their bodies function, along with some life skills.
"The first celebration lasted for three days and was very well received. Although another missionary and I organized it, we had some Godly Mozambican women completely take the lead and do all of the actual teaching. We have two more of these ceremonies being planned for early December.
"The discipleship group that I have been leading (for almost 3 years now) is growing. The most exciting part is that God has once again answered prayers and brought alongside an anointed young Mozambican man, Domingos. He was trained with YWAM, in South Africa. He and I share the teaching responsibilities and are planning a small two week bible school for the youth during their summer vacation, coming up in January 2012.
"My small house buzzes with activity most days, with teenagers, visitors and young children. Some come to eat, others for a cold drink, and yet others just to sit and visit. Nine year old Sabina sleeps over with a friend every Friday evening. We make popcorn, have a soft drink and either watch a movie or play board games. It is a highlight of the week for both of us!
"I have been in Mozambique for five years now and if anyone had told me before I came how full my life would be at the age of 60, I would not have believed them! His Grace is sufficient for me as Paul said, and His Grace crosses all cultures, age groups and genders. What a marvellous God and Father we have. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you."