September 2012 Linda Currie Update
Here we are again. As I am taking some quiet time to reflect on all that has happened since my last update, I am amazed to consider all that God has been doing these last months.
Casa de Gloria continues to grow and evolve as Holy Spirit directs. What a tremendous journey this has been for me, not only as a missionary but personally as well. It is so faith building to see how these youth’s lives are being transformed before my very eyes. Many are preaching now and look forward to learning more about Jesus. There was an Alpha Course taught here a few months ago and I was asked if 15 boys would attend. We had over 30 that wanted to attend!
Graciano continues to lead an outreach to Chure twice a month and God has truly blessed this. At first (a year ago) we would salvations one person at a time. Today, entire families are being saved together. Last week there was a family of 15 who together received Jesus as Lord. Many healings are occurring and the Holy Spirit is drawing people to this small youth team (3 youth) in increasing numbers. Lives are truly being changed, both theirs and ours!
I have turned the leadership of Casa de Gloria over to Graciano and Domingos now, so that Mozambican is now leading Mozambican. My role has shifted to become more of a resource person for them. I also liaison between the group and Arco Iris and continue to oversee the finances. They tell me what they need and I look to see how we can provide. I still attend the gatherings on most nights, as the Holy Spirit is moving and I don’t want to miss anything!

“Hands of Hope”, the African ministry of Joyce Meyers Ministry, has partnered with Iris in the vision of feeding hungry children (3-14 years) through our Village discipleship program (formerly known as Village feeding). I was asked to be part of this team. As this is a new ministry opportunity for me, I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom and for God’s will to be done in these His little ones.

Personally, I am doing well. My son Brandon will be getting married in July 2013, so I will be coming to Canada for the wedding and to love on my very special daughter, Melanie. I am also looking forward to meeting with my church family again, who have been so very supportive of sending and partnering with me here in Mozambique. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” If we keep our eyes on Jesus, He will look everything else.
Until next time….