March 2012 Linda Currie Update
Here it is, time again for another update on how the Father has been moving here in Pemba. Once again He has stretched me in the most uncomfortable and yet the most marvellous of ways.
This past year has moved me into two areas of ministry, one being the development of Christian girls ceremonies and the other being the village youth discipleship group. It is the discipleship group I would like to focus on in this update. The group is for village boys, 14-18 yrs of age. We meet every night except Sunday, from 6:00 until 8:00 pm. We begin in worship and prayer, a message is given and we finish with a meal (usually beans and rice) before they go home. We have followed this format for the past three years. During this time leaders have naturally flowed to the top and so today I share the leadership with Graciano and Domingos. For the past 4 months we as a leadership have been crying out for the fire of God to fall on us and to see God’s glory move. I am filled with joy to report that God is honouring our requests. We saw small answers to prayer at first and now we are experiencing more miracle types of activity.

Three of our youth have had Samuel type experiences where they were awakened in the night with God calling to them. After the third call they realized it was God and the Father told two of them to go to the hospital and pray for the sick. Every time they go people are getting healed and coming to know Jesus.

Two of our new youth asked to preach. They have both been with us less than one month and we were all stunned as they preached like pastors. The Holy Spirit was working in and through them miraculously. It was like God was accelerating the time for their learning curve.
The group is also doing a lot of evangelism. Twice a month we go to Churie (about 3 hours away). I send Graciano with two other youth by chapa on Friday and they return on Sunday. They stay at Graciano’s uncle’s house (that lives there). When they return the youth are fired up and often 50-100 people will receive Jesus in a day of them just speaking and teaching about Jesus. The youth say the harvest is very easy there. God goes before them to prepare the way! Twice a week we go to local villages with equal success.
There is so much more that I could say. This is the marvellous part. The uncomfortable part is that I have no idea where this is all going, though I do believe it will be exciting. The three of us giving leadership are constantly crying out to Father for wisdom to lead this group following the Holy Spirit’s direction. We are believing for equipment we need to take us into more of this season of evangelism.
The group did not want to be called the “village discipleship group” any longer and they now call themselves after the area where we meet, “Casa de Gloria”, which in English means “House of Glory”. I believe this is a prophetic word for the things to come. As is written in Psalm 19:1, we want to line up with the heavens to declare the “Glory of God”
Until next time, BE BLESSED !