Zimpeto Bible School

April 2018 Zimpeto Bible School Update

Combomune for Christ:

“What bad luck is this? (I Khombo Muni)” - said the woman, when for the seventh time she held her newborn baby at birth. This is because after having conceived a child, and carrying it the nine months of the gestation period, this mother would soon lose her newborn baby. This experience was repeated for the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth children born to this mother. She kept losing her children at the time of childbirth or very soon after giving birth. But the seventh child was born alive and remained alive.

October 2016 Zimpeto Bible School Update

Below are two highlights from this term at the Zimpeto Bible School:

This school is 40% female; a huge step forward in a country where women are undervalued.

We teach that Jesus is our example of a leader. Jesus came to serve, not to be served. So our students happily and with joy help clean the church and dining area, help out in the kitchen and with general duties around the base.

This is a new model for many of our students. They adapt well. We are blessed to share with them the FULL ministry of Jesus.

September 2015 Zimpeto Bible School Update

A testimony of the grace of God:

The challenging task of taking over the leadership of the bible school after Pastor Eduardo went to be with the Lord was at hand. It was not an easy task, but God kept encouraging us and blessing all of us as a team.

We were able to manage the little resources we had in order to satisfy the needs; it was challenging due to a lack of teachers. Some of us had to stretch to fill in the gaps, and all teachers were supportive.
