June 2016 Zimpeto Bible School Update
A Current Testimony of a Third Year Student at the Zimpeto Bible School:
I would like to share one testimony of the great and marvellous things the Lord is doing in our school. But first, I would like to thank the Lord specially and specifically for the lives of our missionaries and teachers. They minister among us with great zeal and dedication. They are a great example of Christian living for the students and a great source of encouragement and strength for all of us here at the bible school. We really appreciate and thank the Lord for the people he brings to serve and bless us here.
Two years ago one of our teachers was doing her regular ministry to the poor and needy at the garbage dump in Hulene. She was there with her translator and another missionary friend. While they shared Jesus and prayed for people in the streets, a young man (Augusto Mulima) came and asked for prayer because he had heard a voice saying to him ‘ask them to pray for you’.
Before praying for Augusto they asked if he had received Jesus. He changed topics. They asked again and he said ‘no’. They helped him to pray to receive Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. They invited him to come to church on Sunday and gave him a new bible when he came. He started attending church regularly, and his life was never the same.
Today Augusto tells us his testimony of when his Pastor invited him to come to the Zimpeto Bible School, and how he received a new touch from God, was baptized by the Holy Spirit, and started speaking in tongues. He also tells us that during the three months he was attending the first level of the school, God completely changed his character and he was totally able to leave drugs, alcohol, bad friendships and his former life behind, all by the grace of God.
When people saw him crying on graduation day they thought it was because he failed – ‘but I was crying because I couldn’t believe that it was me receiving a certificate for studying God´s word’ he said.
While Augusto was at home waiting for an opportunity to come back and do the 2nd level, he learned that there was a need for someone to help the children in his neighbourhood. He felt led to do something to help church community children with their homework and school assignments. Augusto started organizing children’s services every day, where children could come to worship God and listen to the word of God, but also learn to read and receive help with homework. He started with 5 children, but to his amazement the numbers kept on increasing every week.
Augusto is currently studying with us in the third level of the Zimpeto Bible School. He has many social projects to help solve many of the problems his community is facing. ‘The Lord helps me see the solutions to the problems now’, he says. ‘Before I came to the Lord I could only see the problems, and like what happens to many drug abusers, my mind used to get stuck. I could only think to a certain limit, but now I´m free. Jesus gave me wisdom. And whenever I open the Bible to read He increases His wisdom. Now I see beyond the problems. I am now able to find the solutions for the problems as the Lord leads me. Jesus has set me free!’
[Augusto Mulima with some children at the Hulene garbage dump.]