David & Joanna Morrison

June 2010 David & Joanna Morrison Update

“Mo wakens with the birds, before the sun is up, and heads to his office for coffee and quiet!  Jo hopes to waken at 6 a.m. in time for a walk before school, but will accept a cup of tea in bed and a bit of quiet if that doesn’t happen. Meanwhile, Kalina and Patrick like to get up at 6 and begin their school day. Daniel prefers the evenings, and gets up in time for 8 a.m. school. Thandi arrives at 8 a.m. to join us for our school day. At 8, we should all be up and ready to roll. We spend the first 2 hours doing math and language arts, and other independent subjects.

December 2009 David & Joanna Morrison Update

“The Morrison’s are in their seventh year in Bangula, Malawi. The base has grown considerably during that time, from one Bible school dormitory, to several classrooms and three dormitories at the Bible school, a Primary school with 8 classrooms, a library, and several teachers’ offices, four children’s homes for 52 children and their Malawian house parents, 3 missionary homes for 10 full time missionaries, and a Visitor Centre which can accommodate up to sixteen visitors at a time. The most recent addition is an aquaponic farm, designed to provide fish and vegetables for the community.

June 2009 David & Joanna Morrison Update

By way of an update, perhaps you would like a personal tour of our home. When you visit our home, you are very likely to find a new member of the Iris family. Kalina is particularly attached to Chimwemwe, our one month old baby. He comes to our house to escape the constant noise at the children’s homes, but he is the newest member of the Nsitu family (Boys 1). You will also meet Rhoda and Veronica who help Joanna remain sane by keeping the meals coming, and the house clean. On the back porch, you may find a tailor churning out skirts and shorts, and repairing endless piles of clothes.

December 2008 David & Joanna Morrison Update

The Morrison’s are in their 6th year in Bangula, Malawi. "The seasons are
now more predictable and the bumps in the road well known. Gigantic bugs
(in unheard of numbers) and puff adders are no longer shocking. The
challenges are known, but they still require creative solutions. How can
homeschooling be a pleasant experience in the intense heat? How do we
decide which widow’s house most needs rebuilding? How do we meet the
needs without creating a mob scene? How can we give to one without
generating jealousy?

October 2007 David & Joanna Morrison Update

The Morrison's are into Year 5 in the Lower Shire Valley. After a trip to Canada this past summer, they are settling back into home schooling, welcoming new children, and a myriad of other things. "Patrick's favourite pastimes includes killing rats, playing soccer and doing pull-ups in the backyard. Daniel can often be found surrounded in lego, or up a tree. Kalina is in high demand as a playmate, especially if she agrees to bring out her dolls! All three of our children are becoming more adept in Chichewa."

March 2007 David & Joanna Morrison Update

Almost four years after arrival in Bangula, the Morrisons have become somewhat accustomed to the ups and downs, the seemingly continual challenges faced by a people largely forgotten by the world. Even the north of Malawi forgets the south, where harvests have been poor to nil for the past four years. The crops have to survive intermittent and very heavy rains, very large and ravenous bugs, and birds, and finally drought. The people continue to survive. "We are overwhelmed daily by the needs of thousands - the hungry, naked, sick, homeless, and orphaned.

October 2006 David & Joanna Morrison Update

"Bangula, located on the very southern tip of Malawi, has been very hard hit by famine for many years in a row, and so it is a good place to be, to love the poor. It has been three years since we moved here. Our centre is now home to two dormitories which can house up to 50 pastors, two classrooms where the pastors train, two (soon to be four) children’s homes which each house 12 children plus house parents, and two missionary homes. We are amazed at what the Lord has provided these past three years. He is so faithful.
