April 2019 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update

Reintegration continues to be integral in the continuum of care of children with complex social and medical needs. The team is responsible for many issues in an attempt to uphold the rights of the child.

The team maintains home visits for children who need out of home care. Home, social and health assessments are crucial to the evaluation of the needs of both the family and the child, keeping in mind that the outcome of the assessments might see the child accepted into Zimpeto children’s crisis centre.

Once received into the centre, the reintegration team maintains contact with the family and every attempt to empower the family to enable the return of the child to the family is made.

Health needs are attended to during the time the child is living in the centre. Oftentimes a child has complicated medical needs, including malnutrition and chronic infections (HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, skin infections). These needs are attended to through the centre clinic and with outside consultations via the ministry of health.

Emotional trauma is treated with a number of interventions that include play therapy, counselling, prayer, equine therapy and dance.


[Play therapy.]

Education is an important part of the care of our children because the children are often delayed in their schooling. Special classes outside of school hours are tailored to the needs of children.

In conjunction with the leader of the suburb, the reintegration team protects inheritance rights of the children, rent is collected and banked, and home and property are cared for on behalf of the child.

The reintegration team works with the family to empower them to receive the child back into the family unit. If the family owns land, a small brick house might be built, water and electricity will be connected, and repairs and additions might be made to enable the child to be returned to the family.


[Reuniting families.]

Once the child is returned to the family the reintegration team works closely to support the family in various ways:

  • regular home visits are made by the reintegration team to assess the home.
  • small business opportunities are made for the family to pursue.
  • ongoing educational expenses will be met by Zimpeto centre.
  • medical needs will be supported.
  • clothing needs are met.
  • if needed, a bi-weekly food basket to the value of $20.00 is given.

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[Assessing houses.]

The reintegration team co-ordinate and oversee many areas in caring for the rights of the children of Zimpeto crisis centre. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.