October 2022 Zimpeto Child Reintegration Program Update
Covid guidelines and restrictions have required a scaled-down approach to reintegration, but we have continued to reintegrate children and youth into their family homes.
We provided many of our reintegrated children with basic food needs during the lockdowns.
New children and babies continued to be accepted into the centre, and those ready to leave were reintegrated back into families.
[ a new baby is welcomed into life at the centre.]
This year the Mozambican government introduced new management procedures for following up on children who have been reintegrated into the community. It has made for a lot of extra work for our team as they learn and adjust to the new systems.
One of the new policy regulations required a number of the older reintegrated youth (now adults) to attend a court hearing and be interviewed by a judge. The court asked about the circumstances that precipitated each of their entries into the centre, their life in the centre, and their current life circumstances.
At a recent conference, we called all of the returning reintegrated adults that were present to come forward and share their stories and tell about their current lives outside of the centre. All of these young adults are either studying or working. Their stories are varied and miraculous and highlighted the faithfulness of God throughout their difficult journeys.
[Former Iris kids lined up on the stage at the conference.]
This year we organized a gathering of the old 'Lazar' dormitory. We shared a meal and reminisced on the good times we had growing up together on the base. The children are now young adults with hopes and dreams for their futures. Joana and Crimilda have married, and each of them has two children (Beleza and Ian, and Sofia and Jerson). It’s a wonderful completion of a vision that we've held for their lives.
[Ros with former dormitory 'kids' ... with some with their own kids now!]
Thank you for partnering with us to enable the rejected, disenfranchised, and broken to be given a new and blessed life. We celebrate the faithfulness of God and enjoy seeing so many living well.