June 2016 Zimpeto Sewing and Carpentry Program Update

"We are in the process of getting ready to return to Mozambique. We have everything in order and will soon be sending away for our visas. It seems that every year we come back home not knowing if we will return to Mozambique but when spring comes along we start planning our return. We are leaving from Detroit on August 15 and will return on December 15.

We will be working in Zimpeto this year and I’m looking forward to training boys again. Betty is also looking forward to working with the girls in the sewing room."

Last year the carpentry shop made windows and a door for a young couple and we built a sewing table for the sewing room teacher for her use in her home. We also did many large projects, with pictures below:

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[Betty and Bobf with Lourdes, the sewing room teacher.]

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[The young couple with the windows and door.]


[Some of our sewing room girls.]


Note from Steve Lazar - Director of the Zimpeto Centre:

The success of missions is indeed to hand over the control and running of areas to the local authorities and workers.

Bob and Betty Blanchette have been serving with Iris for over 10 years. Their expertise is in sewing (Betty) and carpentry (Bob).  During their long term service they have trained many youth in these areas.

In the last 3 years Bob and Betty have visited and trained others for 3 months each year. Part of their work has been to train leaders to carry on the work, so we do not shut down for 9 months waiting for them to return!

Betty has trained Lourdes and Bob has trained Emilio to carry on the work in a caring and professional way.

Bob and Betty will again be here in August to train and equip both Lourdes and Emilio, and the many youth who are gaining skills.

