April 2023 - Anonymous Missionary Asia Update

It seems everything is impossible here, but God makes them possible.

From October 2022 to March 2023, we shipped 6,500 solar audio bibles (in four different dialect languages) and one more container with 25 tons of steel roofing, clothing, and scarves to Mozambique.

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[Regular Bibles sent to Mozambique.]

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[Soccer uniforms sent to Malawi - complete with "Iris Malawi" logo.]

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[The uniforms and our boys are getting a good workout!]

We train church leaders to stand in the truth of God, especially the church leaders under persecution. They are facing spiritual and financial lacks, and we take the risk to support them.

We pray for the sick, for broken families and people, and walk with those who mourn until they are comforted and step into the land of the Lord's blessing.