October 2006 Zimpeto Bible School Update
[Pastors in front of the "under construction" Zimpeto Bible School - October 2006]
"Our last update left off with us hoping to start construction of an actual Bible school, as classes have had to be held in the children's dormitories. We are grateful that construction has begun, with cement block walls already in place. While completion is a ways off, it is exciting to look forward to having a space of our own!
"We have been blessed to welcome several new missionaries to the base, who are able to teach at the Bible school. This has helped greatly with the teaching shortage, and has made the load easier on all.
"On a recent trip to Portugal we purchased several boxes filled with new books for the school library. It was so interesting, seeing so many well recognized authors translated into Portuguese. We even found Heidi and Rolland's book, There is Always Enough! We know that the addition of these books will bless the students and will serve to expand their horizons and challenge them in their faith, to walk in 'more'. We are so grateful for donations sent to the Bible school, that enable us to make such purchases."